Kyle and I have enjoyed being able to serve at
Vintage 21 Church by being on the Design Team. As part of that team, we design backgrounds for song slides, the programs handed out on Sundays, inserts for the light boxes, and any other posters, handouts, or signage needed. The sermon series we are doing now is entitled, "
Unreasonable Joy: Poured out in Philippians." Kyle and I were excited to design the graphics for this series as the first project that we've worked on together.

Paul is a pretty fascinating character: He was a Jew who persecuted Christians, but he became a Christian after God spoke to him. He became the one being persecuted - he was jailed, beaten, and ultimately beheaded for his faith. You might look at historical evidence that Christ lived, died, and resurrected, but to me, the evidence is in the lives of the early Christians. What would make Paul willing to die for his faith? It just doesn't make sense, it's not rational, but he had joy in the midst of everything that happened to him.

As we've studied Paul's unreasonable joy for the past month, I've thought of Tony and Charity Myers. Tony married Kyle and I, and he met with us for premarital counseling. At one of our last meetings, he shared that Charity was pregnant with their first child. She was due on February 8th, but lost their daughter about a week before her due date. In the midst of their grief, I've been encouraged by their hope and joy. To read more about their story,
click here. Tony and Charity - we love you both and we continue to think of you and pray for you!